Saturday, May 30, 2015

Our Gobi trip was delayed after we had some last minute vehicle trouble, so it has been postponed until next month. In the meantime we have been making sure all our dogs are up to date on their vaccines and de-wormer, which meant delivering de-wormer to the pups in Hustai and Terelj. This was a good opportunity to check on the herders and make sure they were caring for the pups properly. 
In Terelj the herders had reported that the pups were getting tired after being with the sheep all day and coming home with a limp. We suggested they give them more food and water out at pasture, especially during this hot summer weather, the pups are likely dehydrated. It is important that livestock guardian dogs have access to plenty of food and water so that they can do their job without getting tired. It is not common to give your dog water in Mongolia and they generally give the dogs food scraps and leftovers. Trying to convince the herders to feed their dogs more is a bit of a challenge.
However two of the herders reported that their pups seemed to enjoy being with the sheep and at one point had stayed behind with a lame sheep separated from the herd. This was awesome news, and we hope to hear and see more of this behavior from the pups. The same family also said that initially, the sheep were not used to the pups and we're a bit afraid. So as the pup was following behind the herd, it was accidentally herding the sheep further and further away over a few hills. A good sign that the pup is enjoying the company of the sheep. But not so good that the sheep are scared of the pup. Luckily after a few days the sheep had accepted their new guardian.
We only visited half the families in Terelj, which leaves the rest of Terelj and Hustai for this week.

Delivering pups to Terelj a few weeks ago.
Not by motorcycle, this was only a support vehicle.

The pups are incredibly docile, its important that they are gentle with kids and livestock yet fierce towards predators.

Photos by Soyolbolod Serguleng

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